Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How I Juggle My Life

Yes, I'm married with an 11 month old son and yes I am a full time History major at Iowa State University. How do I do it? Create a ROUTINE! We are now in the second week of the semester and I have my routine down (for the most part).

Here is how my day as a mom, wife and college student goes down:

*6-6:30am-- Gabriel wakes up, cuddle time with mommy and daddy.
*6:45-7:15-- Husband feeds Gabriel while I shower. After my shower I play with Gabriel so hubby can eat breakfast.
7:27-- Husband takes bus to school. Put Gabriel in walker while I get diaper bag ready for Daycare and eat breakfast.
Around 8:00am we head out for our morning walk and get back around 8:45am and he's at Daycare by 9am.
9:15-10:30am-- Finish getting ready for the day, Housework (dishes, put laundry away, pick up toys). Catch 10:30 bus to campus.

I've been blessed with a wonderful schedule that allows me to be home by 1pm Mon. Wed. and Fri. and by 2pm on Tue. and Thursday.

1:30/2:00pm--get materials for dinner prepped (thaw out meat, prepare veggies, etc.)
2:00-4:45pm--HOMEWORK! This is a great time for my husband and I to get a good portion of our homework done and we get to enjoy the quiet time together.

5:00pm-- Pick Gabriel up from Daycare; spend from about 5pm to 6:30 or 7pm with Gabriel and hubby.
6:30/7:00pm--Give Gabriel bath and do bedtime routine.

After Gabriel falls asleep my husband and I eat dinner and spend some time together. We usually do homework between 7:30 and 11pm.

So far things are going much smoother than I expected, though it is only the second week. I have been blessed with a convenient class schedule and a husband who is a hard worker and great saver so I don't have to work and he only works 10hrs a week. I can only hope that next semester works out so well!

*The average time Gabriel wakes up each day (variations do occur).

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