Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reading to Baby

I LOVE reading, and I want my son to share this love of books. I want my son to have a good vocabulary, be successful in school, learn about other cultures, science, fairy tales, etc, and I want him to share this love with his future children. Reading leads to so many opportunities in life and I am going to do my best to give my son a boost. This is a link I found that does a great job explaining to parents why it's important to read to their babies (from just a few weeks to a few years old). http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/learning/reading_babies.html 

Besides all of the developmental benefits, I want my son to have the fond memories that I have of my mom reading to me and to my youngest brother. She read to him EVERY night from the time he came home from the hospital. My brother is 11 and still reads before bed every night and excitedly tells my mom about his stories the next day. So please, read to your baby. Read to him to create fond memories for yourself and your child, and read to improve his future. 

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