Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Love Firsts!!!

On a whim I decided to get Gabriel's hair cut. I LOVE his adorable long locks that give him crazy bed-head and lots of personality to match his character...but it was causing some issues. Like getting in his ear and making him scratch it, getting plastered to his face by boogies during naptime, and everyone at church, the grocery store, and distant cousins think he's a girl.
BEFORE (early morning hair)

I think part of the reason I hadn't seriously considered a hair cut was because I envisioned him freaking out, contorting into weird positions, and just being difficult to manage- I've seen kids get their first hair cut before. I was going to hold him in my lap but the hair cutting-lady was like "Come on, give him the benefit of the doubt" so I said "Oook, you can try." Well, what do ya know!? The boy was an angel! He just sat their while mommy held his hand and didn't fuss at all! Everybody was so impressed, including me :)

 The first snip.

 Look at my little angel! Mommy is so proud.
 AFTER (Daddy got a hair cut too).

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Gabriel looks great with the new haircut! very handsome! Also, why is ur husband wearing a burlington bees shirt? Is he from burlington? We are...
