I've posted before about my previous c-section, my desire to VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), and more recently about my frustration with trying to find a supportive care provider. I had visited Iowa City and LOVED them, however 2.5 hours is a long way to drive in December...in Iowa (especially with a 2nd labor which tends to go quicker). I started looking around for options closer to home and decided to look at the Methodist doctors in Des Moines as I'd heard at least 3 of them were very VBAC friendly. I was very much DISPLEASED with the doctor I met (
find post here) and also discovered that anyone of the like 13 doctors between the 2 clinics could end up delivering me...talk about stressful hoping I get the supportive one! For a few weeks I racked my brain trying to decide what the best option was and feeling that I had been unfairly and for no sound reason put into a corner that no expecting mom should. After many prayers, tears, and talks with my mom, I decided to call up one last midwife that I'd found. Many things I had heard about her were not encouraging (she was repeatedly described as highly knowledgeable by fellow ICAN moms but said to be late often and have a messy office-- one of my biggest pet peeves is tardiness!) so at the beginning of my pregnancy I refused to even consider her. After running into so much disappointment, however, and many prayers, I decided to find out how she was for myself. This tidbit is from a post I did on the ICAN forum (because I'm too lazy to type up the story again, lol)....
I met her at the church/clinic and she was right on time. I was very pleased with how the meeting went. Sheryl answered all of my questions and then some. She was very straight forward that there were risks and if a complete uterine rupture does occur at home the baby most likely won't survive, which I appreciate her not sugar coating it. We spent about 1hr 1/2 talking about my questions concerning laboring at home, my previous c-section experience, and she shared some of her transfer stories with me and talked about homebirth in general. I walked away feeling enlightened and comforted. I know there are still risk involved with a VBAC, just like any regular birth but by going over the stats with her, discussing different research that had been done, and hearing that she had NEVER had a uterine rupture patient put my mind at ease. I KNOW I want a VBAC, I just was having trouble deciding where to do it. This really helped.
I hadn't even told my husband about her yet as I wanted to meet her first and have time to think about how it went. I have NEVER in my life received such personal and genuine care. Whether it be at my yearly pap-smear or the prenatal visits while pregnant with Gabe, my OB/GYN never spent this much time with me. She not only answered my questions but asked if I had anymore and spent as long as needed to answer each question. It was the most amazing feeling ever! And with a midwife, you see the
same person at
every prenatal visit and it will be that
same person who helps deliver your baby. No "meeting all the doctors because we don't know who'll be on call for your baby" that all clinics have.
It was such an amazing experience to speak with a care provider who believes in and trust a woman's body and it's natural process to get pregnant, carry life, and give birth. To realize that some labors are slow and that's normal, that wherever and whatever position the mother is comfortable with is how she should labor and give birth, that essentially it is about the
mother and the midwife is there to provide support and professional, competent care when
needed (not based on hospital policy or what doctors "just always do- it's routine"). Needless to say we have decided to go with her. My husband met her for the first time this Tuesday (our wedding anniversary!) and loved her, I was so nervous about what he'd think! I am so happy and relieved right now that words cannot express it. The healthy, natural, healing birth I envision is within sight :)
Just a random pic of the hubby and I taken days ago, but it reflects our happiness :)